DR CHANG MING YU was awarded the Albert & Mary Lim Award by the College of Family Physicians Singapore at its 40th Anniversary Dinner on 27 November 2o11, held at the Grand Ballroom of the Singapore Hyatt Hotel. The award, family medicine's equivalent of the Cultural Medallion, is awarded for outstanding achievement and service in the field of Family Medicine in Singapore. Dr Chang was a founding member of the College of General Practitioners as it was then known in 1971. He was for several years its Censor in Chief, as well as an elected member of the Singapore Medical Council. Here he receives the medal from the Minister of Health Gan Kim Yong.

A closer look at Family Medicine's highest badge of honour in Singapore.

In addition, Dr Chang Ming Yu also received the college's Long Service Award.

Dr Chang Ming Yu with Dr Patricia Lim and Professor John Wong, daughter and grandson of Dr Albert and Mary Lim, for whom the award was named.

The two awards now sit in a place of pride at home.